S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Monday, January 23, 2006

Winding roads and Humming-birds

The rental car is there at 8am, as Son-son promised. So off we go on the Windward Rd. First stop, Flag Staff Hill, up an even narrower twisting road, just outside Charlottesville. There's a panorama view of the North-East end of Tobago with little London Bridge Island, a hole in the middle of it. Long, narrow St. Giles Island just beside it. The water is still white-capped in this windy day.
We retrace our steps from the rain forest tour, but drive further on the "Main Ridge Forest Reserve Rd. At the top, at "Bloody Bay Rec. Site", there's another good wiew, this time of "Bloody Bay".

Then it's down, down, down to the coast and it's various bays. After Bloody Bay we check out Englishman's Bay. Said to be a good anchorage. There are two boats anchored. It looks really rolly today and the surf is hard. But there's a cosy two-story veranda restaurant on the strand. Looks inviting.

Costara is the last town before "Adventure Farm off the Arnos Vale Rd. It's a beautiful estate with huge old trees. Entrance fee is not prohibitive. There's a walk with a variety of tropic trees and plants. And, if the farm's two big dogs hadn't decided to join our walk we might have seen some big iguanas. They can be three meters long!
Instead of big we went for small: Tiny humming-birds. They whizzed into the red sugar feeders, barely pausing to hover in mid-air. We saw a female, Black-throated Mango and a Rufous-breasted Hermit. Rufous means rust-colored. Bright black, white and yellow Bananaquits went for there share of the sugar, too. Not called "Sugarbird" for nothing! In the trees blue and green Motmots, with their fabulous long tails, a spear-shaped tip hanging on by a "thread".

In Scarborough we burn a cd with pictures from the Caribbean, soon on its way to Norway. And then we're off, climbing the steep and winding roads back along the coast. Deep gutters, pot-holes and sheer cliffs make for an interesting drive back in the dark.


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