S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Sunday, January 22, 2006

The fort on the hill

We've been here one week. So we thought we'ld take a walk up to the fort on the hill, opposite "Pirates'Bay". A short hike with a great view. The road goes under huge old trees, along the lovely well-kept grounds of a tourist "rent-a-cottage" area, facing the shore. Parrots shreiking in the crowns of the trees, small hummingbirds, blue Motmots and bright yellow-tailed...somethings. An un-guided regnforest walk. As the road narrows gradually to trail, the houses grow smaller, go from concrete to wood. At the end of the road a turn-stile lets us into the fenced off fort area. Mowed grass, small bushes (like our window-ledge plants at home), and a big paviljon. And a panorama view of the bay and the village. There's "Babette", tiny over in "Pirates' Bay" along with ca. 20 other sailboats. the wind is whipping up the sea beyond the quiet bay. Yes, I think we'll stay put here a while.


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