S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
About the crew:
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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The boat

Babette is a Najad 320, built in 1986. Hans and Ragne Tangen were the previous owners; they had the boat built fit to their needs. Poor "Babette" had a bit of a shock after meeting us. Icey winters under a meer tarp. And a brutal introduction to the rough North Sea. Goodby pleasant Oslofjord outings. After a soft start, Limfjjord (Denmark) to Sweden and back to Southern Norway, there have been two Shetland (Orkneys, Hebrides) trips. And last summer to the Faroe Islands as well. Gradually some of the sails and electrical do-dads have needed replacing. A new genoa in 2002, and for the last trip a simple, medium size radar. Great toy! Amazing how boats appear from nowhere when the fog lifts. Must practice the "range" control abit more. It did show the drying rocks going out of North Haven, Fair Isle, quite clearly in the pea soup combined with strong winds.

For this trip we've renewed the standing rigging, the main sail, most of the electrical set-up. Previously every time lightning knocked out any electrical fuse it also took the GPS. No more easy way-point navigation. So now the spaghetti of wires and chained fuses is slightly untangled. The current problem is the new "weatherman",NAVTEX, is getting interference from the old "navigator",GPS. A new one to be ordered tomorrow, installed the following day so we can set sail the next. Cross your fingers!

The engine, Volvo Penta,2003, also from 1986, has had a check-up and is now ready to go. We bought a new VHF (ships-telephone) with the new DCS (digital safety feature). Since they seem to be fasing out emergency channel16 for ship traffic we thought that might be a good idea. Our call sign is: LN 6378.

We've built a plattform aft and mounted an 80watt solar energy unit on it. That should keep our finicky fridge running. And to keep the sun off I've sewn a bimini to shade the cockpit. Can't wait to trade in my sou'west for a straw hat.

In our first "Babette", a 29 foot Hallberg-Rassy the "Navic" windvane worked just fine; in our 32 ' Najad it seemed a size too small. We've just replaced it with a "Wind Pilot" (Pacific). Very solid, honest. It inspires trust. The first trial, due to all the various electrical, technical hick-ups will be the day before we hope to set sail. Our little shake-down, Farsund to Flekkefjord. From "Babettes" berth to our home town.

The crew this time as last will be me, Shannon(52), and husband, the skipper, Ørnulf(66).

More pictures of Babette here.


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The Trip, 2005-2006

The project is to sail in "Babette" from Norway to the Caribbean and back, taking the route through Scotland, between Ireland and England down to Spain, southwards on to the Canary Islands and then crossing over to the Caribbean, around Venezuela and the southern islands there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yarrr! Fair winds when ye weigh yer anchor, old salts.

Saturday, July 02, 2005 4:43:00 PM  
Blogger bbg said...

Hey There!

Nice to talk to you today! I hope bring fair weather to all your ports. I'm checking out fares to Martinique!


Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many lighthouses have You seen and Where are they located?

Friday, November 11, 2005 1:02:00 AM  

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