S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Catching a tide to Lossiemouth

6am, says the alarm clock. Not quite civilized: yawn. But we have a date with a tide. We're off and sailing down Loch Ness towards Lock Clachnahary . Try repeating that one three times on your vhf radio!
Another wool-and-rain-gear day. Later, blazing sunshine between cool showers. Where did I pack down the shorts and t-shirts? We leap-frog with the enormous Canal cruise-boat, "Lord of the Glen". Its stern's been cut off so that it should fit exactly into the locks, like a huge bear's paw in a glove. Today, again, it jumps the queue right ahead of "Babette".
In any case we're down and out of the sea-lock at a quarter to four. Now, salt water lapping about "Babette", we're again at sea. Carefully we thread our way out across the bay from red to green buoy. The whole bay varies from under one meter till maybe three. A wading pool.

Finally the cluster of grey stone buildings appears: Lossiemouth.The entrance to the harbor is too shallow to go through, two hours each side of low tide. We arrive at sunset, 10pm.

At high tide.


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