S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
About the crew:
See the complete profile

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(Want to read the posts in chronological order?)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


4am: We mark a new x in the chart, this time in "Norskerennet". A bright, sunny day is already dawning. As gentle winds push us towards the Norwegian south coast.

1pm: Land! The coast is a blue shadow, jagged on the horizon. Soon layers of hillsides, still in blues, appear. Then solid, bare granite of neighboring Egersund and the Sokndal coastline tells us we're really and truly in Norway. Last seen: the 7th of July, last year.

We fire off a barrage of sms messages to friends and neighbors as we approach land. Finally we enter Hidra Sound, our blue-carpet gateway to Flekkefjord. Just a few more phone calls to make. One is to Annelise Kleven, at Waage, on Hidra Island. Not in the house, so we leave a message.
But, surprise, surprise! Before we can wink an eye we spot a motor boat speeding our way with a bright blond head and a waving flag, "Hurrah! Hurrah!", "Welcome Home!" It's Annelise, who else!

Sunny, blue skies, the fjord full of holiday motor boats and crowded cabins. Summer green hills are a cozy collar around the white clapboard, red-tile roofed town. We approach the "Tollbod Brygga" dock, where we left, one year and five days ago. Now we can see a little group of flag-waving friends, including "Bestemor", Karen, 92 years old.
In we glide slowly in, our bright and cheary signal-flags and all our various guest-flags flying. Get the ropes ready!

In just a short minute we'll be stepping ashore!


Blogger Deepak Gopi said...

sorry friend I dont know the language
but I found this blog a beautiful
All the best

Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:04:00 PM  

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