S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Battleships, new and old

The Tall Ships Festival in Belfast is spread about the docks and city. So we didn't manage to see some of the events we were looking forward to, (African dance, historical street-theatre...) being at the wrong place at the right time. And the Seafood Fair was apparently cancelled. But we got to board two warships.

The first was a newly built model of an Admiral Nelson era ship. A cannon-ball shooting square-rigger. "The Grand Turk". Built in Turkey. It stars in "Hornblower" and "Longitude". It's a good replica, except they've cut out a whole deck, a gun-deck, to provide extra standing headroom and comfort for film crews.
Next, the modern navy. A serious looking German torpedo boat with a variety of lethal more-or-less smart weapons spread about the deck. And, tied along side, is a smaller British mine-sweeper. Guarded by a machinegun-armed crew, as kiddies and grandpas tip-toe past down the gangway.
On our way back to the "Bridge End" Railway Station we pass huge gable-end house murals. These depict fighting heroes of this protestant neighborhood. There are Catholic murals and Peace murals, too. Happy the day when they join the Berlin Wall and become mere tourist attractions.

Click, click. Now they're in the "Babette" album.


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