S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Raining holy water

The procession, led by two small alterkids (a boy and a girl) is long, winding around the Cathedral. It includes the whole confirmation class. Dressed up, holding their candles more or less upright. The organ accompanies an enthusiastic church choir.
It's Pentecost Sunday, raining, and we've found our way to the Sé, the Cathedral. Incense is wafting, holy water raining on us, and huge red banners with doves and tongues of fire are hanging from the massive stone arch at the alter. It's all in Portuguese, reminiscent of the old latin masses.

This evening it's "Sedna"s turn. We're invited to another fabulous scampi dinner. And chocolate pudding! This could become a habit, making dinner every other day!


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