S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

A hike up Mt. Brasil

Have we been to Brasil? Uh, yeah, sure, great view from, uh...the top!

Mt.Brasil on Terceira is a three kilometer big volcanic crater that popped up out of the sea before the rest of the island. In the seafaring days of goldbearing galleons it was fenced in with stone bulwarks, crowned by the largest fort on the Atlantic. The fort is still in military use today.
The rest of the island is now a large and lovely park. A huge brightly colored playground, basket ball courts, picnic areas, a partly caged collection of ducks and geese. Peacocks wandering about, dragging their heavy tails behind them.
Trails lead up to the four hilltops surrounding the crater. We walked up two of them. At the top there's a windblown view of the rugged coast and the white-capped sea. In the days of whale hunting there was a whale look-out post. But no luck today. We didn't spot any spray plumes or tails of diving whales.


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