S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Beach Landing

A pleasant, warm morning, not much of a breeze. A good day to visit Pirates' Bay Beach. "Felicie's" got their dinghy in the water and are heading over. "Snorre" and "Babette" have their binoculars focused and are crossing their fingers. The surf seems rather benign today.

No!! A powerful wave flips the dinghy up and over. Four crew and the various contents of the dinghy are tossed about in the foam and pounding waters. No injuries. That's good.

But the recovered dinghy, with new motor, needs attending. The various items spilt out, where are they now? Ann from "Snorre" swims over, as her husband, Helge, and I get a partial lift from Oernulf in our dinghy. We jump out well before the surf can pull our little rubber raft in! We're all goggeled into snorkeling gear, peering down into the murky water. Is that the seat, the oars down there?
Eventually we head for shore where a kind rastafari coconut-artist has fetched water to rinse the engine. After a bit they've got it running again. Nigel, a fisherman, has found the dinghy seat (yippee!) and helped get the motor running again.

He helps in an attempt to launch the dinghy. Out into the surf, with help from all hands. Pull the cord. And pull it again. Again! The waves are pushing the dinghy towards the shore, again. Then the big wave is back. A wall of water suddenly right behind Asbjoern and Nigel in the dinghy. Up, up, the bow is standing, vertical, now. And over again, the upsidedown dinghy, minus seat again, in the swirling foam and pounding surf. The motor did not land on their heads. No injuries. Luckily.
The rastafari beach man fetches more water. Another round of engine rinsing , and flotsam collecting.

Meanwhile Oernulf and Helge have the big "Snorre" dinghy out, ready with a rope to pull out the double-rinsed "Felicie" dinghy. With Ann's on-shore help. And they do just that. But without the motor. Fisherman, Nigel, takes it out on his wooden fishing-boat.
And soon all three Norwegian sailboats have each their functioning dinghy again. All's well that ends well!

It's been a salt-soaked, topsy-turvy Sunday. We all meet up at Jane's (Quality Kitchen) for fish and chips and a re-cap.
We're the table where they're all laughing.


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