S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Saturday, February 04, 2006

"Hello" to Arne Skage

In the morning Ann from "Snorre" and I explore the "Pirates' Bay" path, following it along the hillside overlooking the bay. It narrows to a dirt, and soon, mud path, with tree-trunks to climb over and green leafy tunnels to go under. Blue-green Mot-mots, Yellow-tails and black, parrot-beaksed, Anis and a good supply of yellow, black and white Bananaquits chirping in the tall trees and tangled vine greenery.

Back at the boat I try an ink drawing from the bow. Interesting, with the boat swinging on its anchor, the view ever changing. I twist and crane to keep Charlotteville in sight.

Then, who should peek over the horizon, growing a mast, and sailing into the bay? The Norwegian sailboat, "Felicie". We haven't met them before but the skipper tells us to say "hello" to Arne Skage in Flekkefjord. From Asbjørn Meldgren from Sokndal!
The "welcoming committee, "Babette" and "Snorre"' join the newcomers in an "anchor-dram" and we all invade "Sharon's" for a good Caribbean meal later. It turns out it's not only Arne Skage (and half of Flekkefjord) we know in common But they and their Swedish crew also know all of Ørnulf's ex-colleagues in the North of Norway (Mo-i-Rana) from the "good ol' days".,

Charlotteville, Tobago is the place to meet friends of Norwegian friends.


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