S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Friday, September 16, 2005

Yoga on the beach

Pennie from "Tamarisk" is a trained "Pilates" yoga instructor and has gathered a bunch of us stiff and achy sailors for a morning stretch on the beach, 9am. We breath, balance, stretch, and breath some more.

In the afternoon we take the two-hour bus-tour around the island, 7 €uros. It´s an open-top bus so bring sun-screen. Bring an empty bottle, too, so you can bring back mineral water from the Fonte de Areia, "Sand Fountain". There are four ten-minute photo-op stops. It's a rough volcanic island, with lower layers of softer sandstone. Great views from the top.

We row ashore, then walk into town to hear a jazz consert in town in the evening, on the lower outdoor stage. Starting at about 10pm. There's a fair crowd, families, tourists and teens. The musicians are very professional, improvising on standards with their drums, clarinett, saxophone, trumpet and tuba til about 12:30.

Under the black palms and full moon.


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