Work day
Boiler-room mechanic, Ørnulf, is greasy black up to his elbows. Two foul looking diesel filters, one oil filter and the motor-oil are now all changed. Sailors are, generally speaking, not motorboat experts; best to sooth Volvo Penta with lots of soft oil. Nice girl, be good.
Meanwhile the scribe, Shannon, is at work recording our crossing on a borrowed lap-top. typetypetypetype in the boat all day and then, magic, suck it all into a little plug-in device. Fabulous just to take this little thing-y to the exorbitantly priced internet café and, ZAP, it’s all in the machine. Now I know how the other half live.
All work and no play? "Sedna” and "Babette" meander among the many restaurants and pubs in "Irelands Cuisine Capital" as Kinsale hales itself. And settle on "The White House. Half pub, half bistro, half white table-clothed restaurant. There's room at the bistro, if we can wait an hour. We can. As Mexico and Argentina give each other one goal each. There's a TV in the pub, as there is everywhere in these World Cup days. Then we have a good meal for reasonable prices in their popular Bistro. And before we've thrown in the napkin, football from Germany has been replace by banjo plucking boys singing popular Irish tunes. With "The Wild Rover" ringing in our ears we go out in the Saturday night lanes. Live music blaring out from all the open pub doors.
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