S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
About the crew:
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Marina life: mooo!

"Marina Bas du Fort" is super. We can just walk off the boat onto terra firma; that's good. Running water; with no meter, right on the dock; very good. Showers, no coins needed, just push the water button every three seconds; good, good. Electricity to charge the boat battery; good. Now give me a tub, a TV, and a microwave for my cold cup of tea and it'll be just like home.
Some of the mega yachts tied up here are most likely equipped with all that. This is a posh place.
Cafés and restaurants further along on the boardwalks, chandleries and souvenir shops. But where we are it's quiet, a pleasant place. The occasional cow mooing; very pastoral.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photos, guys.

Monica and her husband Sean (who hails from Trinidad) visited there in March. They will be pleased to see your pictures.

I am on sabbatical now (partly inspired by your example). Living a life of leisure, and it's wonderful - after 53 years of institutionalization! We holidayed in Texas in March, and are planning to visit Ukraine in June -for me to be "approved" by Lyudmyla's parents. This will be followed by Budapest (50th anniversary of Hungarian revolution) and Salzburg (250th anniversary of Mozart's birth).

Enjoy the Caribbean before tackling the open Atlantic on the return voyage.

Andy & Lyudmyla

Thursday, April 06, 2006 10:03:00 PM  

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