S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Sunday, April 02, 2006

A day at the Beach

You might think the beach is an everyday thing in the Caribbean. But then you're not on "Babette". Or "Fatuhiva". Neither of the captains of these sailing vessels are known for their fondness of sand or hot towels lying in the blazing sun.
But the beach at Les Saintes is lovely. In the shade of leafy trees there are sturdy picnic pavilions. Beyond a white sand beach. This cul-de-sac little bay is protected: no noisy motorboat traffic, just azure-blue waters at bath-tub temperatures.
Oernulf and Bjarne snorkel, finding pretty "aquarium fish", but only dead corals. While Mette and I find an iguana in the grassy shadows on land. Lots of dips in the cool water are needed to enjoy the warm grassy spot we've found.

But soon we're all restless and on our way up a hill to another fort. This tiny archipelago witnessed the biggest sea battle in the whole French-English war here. So forts are abundant.

As abundant as the magic sunsets every night. This one we see from "Fatuhiva", eating Bjarne's baccalào espesial.


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