S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
About the crew:
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Friday, March 10, 2006

A small watery world

As the wind picks up during the night we have our heads up and take a look-see a few times. But come morning light it's obvious. We are some meters west of where we anchored yesterday.
We re-anchor. The patchy sand is so fine it gives too little a grip on the anchor. But eventually we find a spot. And give it a go. Satisfied, we take a maxi-taxi bus to town.
Hillsborough is town, the capital of Carricou. It has a bank, post office, supermarkets, tourist office, and lots of cafe's. And we use all of the above. And tomorrow we'll return to use the customs/immigration to check-out.

Back to Tyrell Bay. Yes, "Babette" is still where we left her when we return. Good girl! We also find another Norwegian boat there, "Fly Desiree". A dinghy, with family of four pulls up at "Babette" with two small fry, boys 2 1/2 years and 10 months. They live near Arendal (Norway, southeast)when they're not in their share-boat. This time they're on a six week jaunt. But between them they have years of sailing experience. We continue our yarns in their boat, come evening.
They also know Otts. Remember? Our brief encounter with this 74 year old , four times circumnavigator, tied to a tree in Scotland Bay, Trinidad?!

It's a small, watery world.


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