S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Monday, February 20, 2006

Teaching the phone Basic Norwegian

The last, sixth, layer of varnish. A hard, shiny cockpit rail, done.
To errands today: the easy one, buying the new autopilot (autohelm 4000). Just a small cord length adjustment. Pay. And hand it over to the electrician.

The other errand is to the "Bmobile" people to try and get the new cell phone to function. First, for sms-messaging there's no funny Norwegian "On Beyond Zebra" letters: the oe, ae and aa, here translated into two regular letters. So I can't write Oernulf on my new phone. And, naturally, no t-9, auto-spelling in Norwegian.
But no problem. Because it won't message at all to Norway. Sweden, yes, Norway, no!
This is Sony Eriksen's newest, but I've already got a camera. And a calendar, computer, a watch, even a black marbled "Composition" notebook. I need a phone!
Solution: a compromise. The helpful Bmobile man calls around and does what he can but we end up with my old Norwegian simcard (more expensive)but the sms messages get sent. And I'm teaching it Norwegian. Lesson 1: basic Norwegian vocabulary. "Tusen takk". Insert. Add to my words.


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