S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Friday, November 11, 2005

New strings and duets with "Lille Blå"

Guitar riffs from inside our new neighbor, little "Dolores", inspire me. Quickly, out with our travel-guitar: Could they help with re-stringing it?? Yeah, no problem. Great thing about boat neighbors. They are friendly and always willing to help out. At 6pm they are off on the ferry to Gran Canary for a music festival, so just in time.

At 8pm we have "Lille Blå" over for a really great "Supermarkado" cake and coffee. Mia, 7 yrs. old is just the right age for our Flekkefjord puzzle. Åse, 14, just missed a look at our rasta-twined blond Swedish neighbors.

When there's less cups and plates on the table the guitars and flute come out. Geir from "Lille Blå" is fabulous, very musical and very good at tuning and re-tuning the brand-new strings on my guitar. More Evert Taube tunes, folk songs and lullabies. Even Christmas songs for Mia!


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