S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
About the crew:
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Monday, October 31, 2005

Hallowe'en: a midnight sail to La Gomera

Our plans to anchor in Baía de Adona are daunted by choppy seas in a stiff Northeast blow. The bay is well-protected in a Northwest wind, but this didn´t look like a peaceful night.

So, on to San Sebastian at La Gomera. We should arrive at about midnight. The sun sets spectacularly, the red disk swallowed up by the sea in about two minutes. Yum, yum.. Then the whole sky, spreading from East to West, is set afire. It´s a fireworks display up in the clouds, brilliant ruby and gold. Later, sailing in the black, moonless sea, real fireworks are launched from one of the Playa resorts towns, south on Tenerife. Happy Hallowe'en! The Playas light our starboard side while venus, setting on the port, competes, with a starshine path floating on the now calm seas.

The wind has dies in the sound, and we motor the last hours. Fred Olsen´s catamaran ferries appear, first as a little green-white-red dot in the distance. They grows rapidly to a roaring "cat" at our side in no-time. We hold our course, and with the radar´s cursor watch him swerve around us.
The night-watch at San Sebastian marina is pleasant and helpful when we arrive at midnight. He shows us to the fuel-berth where we can tie up tonight. We cheerfully respond "Sí" to everything he says in rapido "Spanish-only".

Hope we haven't sold him our boat. Cheap.


Blogger Kevin Brubeck Unhammer said...

Sa du ikke en gang til Maxim at "Du må ikke bare si 'ja' til alt de spør deg om"? ;)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005 5:14:00 PM  

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