S/Y Babette Sails to the Caribbean

S/Y Babette sails to the Caribbean, carefully avoiding the Pirates, and then sails back again to Norway.

The crewmembers: Shannon
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bus-trip to Wexford, partly-sunny, blowy Wednesday

Ørnulf attends to the oil leak and I bump along on a bus to Wexford.

The road is a winding green tunnel of high hedges and leafy trees, with occasional openings onto rolling fields, ripening yellow now. Cottages, some thatched, all bright with summer flowers dot the road.
Wexford is a pleasant town by the sea. As the bus pulls in a Viking ship sets out. But not to sea; it's back in harbor by 2:00pm. And greatly celebrated at the quay. There's an Irish theater troupe on the quay, some with enormous Viking heads, some Vikings with boats about their waists; they look like big, wooden soup-bowls. Lots of Vikings are jumping about, carrying huge colorful shields aloft.
A children's Irish Dance troupe are performing on a large plywood stage. So precise and professional and so tiny!

The Norwegian Vikings aboard the ship are from Sandefjord. Sailing here they stopped at Farsund, "Babette's" home harbor. We had a look at their ship there earlier this summer. They sailed from there over the North Sea directly to the Orkney Islands, to Kirkwall, then to Islay, the Isle of Man, down Ireland, to Dublin before sailing further to the south-east, to Wexford. Next stop, London.
We wish them fair winds as they sail on!

Back at "Babette" our Volvo-Penta boat mechanic has sorted things out. The oil filter gets the blame for the leakage and a new one will replace it tomorrow.


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